AVICS & Repairers

The next time you perform a pre-purchase check, complement it with The VIR™ and provide the complete legal status as well. This market leading vehicle report is only a click of the mouse away and is a very simple revenue earning mechanism.

Vehicle checking

The VIR™ - The Vehicle Information Report

New Zealand's most comprehensive report on the legal status of a vehicle. more...

Motor check - Details report

Verify the current registered owner and vehicle details. more...


Protect it - PPSR Security registration services

Instantly protect your rights to payment or repossession - it's so simple! more...

Driver Check - Is your client legally allowed to drive?

Check your client is legally allowed to drive the vehicle simply by entering the licence number, version, and a full name. more...

Loan Form - Legally binding loan agreement

Tired of trying to find who had the Loan Form book last? Do away with the paperwork by using our online Loan Form! more...


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