Get a vehicle report

Before You Buy Check if it's Written Off

20 months ago

A vehicle that's been written off needs to be re-certified before it can get back on the road. Check if the car you're interested in has been written off.

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Bad Credit? Need a Car Loan?

10 years ago

Have you been rejected a car loan? Often it's through no fault of your own, especially if you are a new immigrant or self-employed with little credit history. Aqua Cars can help.

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Checking a Car for Money Owing - interpreting our reports

11 years ago

When checking a car for money owing we cannot always provide a definitive answer; sometimes further (human) analysis is required. Here are the common scenarios.

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WOF Requirements When Selling a Vehicle

11 years ago

There has recently been some media coverage regarding sale of vehicles without a current warrant of fitness (WoF). Read more.

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Top 10 Tips to Avoid Buying a Lemon Used Car

11 years ago

Fraud is rife in the used car market. Here's how to avoid buying a lemon.

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How much is my car worth?

11 years ago

Trade Me's advanced car search enables you to filter by a number of options, including price, year and odometer. Learn more.

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Car Buyer's Horror Stories

11 years ago

Buying a car? Read these stories first to help avoid some of the pitfalls.

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Advice from real car buyers

11 years ago

We asked our customers for tips based on their buying experience. read what they said.

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Check Car's History using VIN

11 years ago

No registration plate? No Problem! MotorWeb's Vehicle Information Report works for VINs too. Learn more.

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What is a VIR?

11 years ago

VIR stands for Vehicle Information Report. The VIR is an instant online report designed to protect car buyers.

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We're Safer than the PPSR!

11 years ago

Finance companies use the PPSR to register outstanding money against the vehicle's plates. However plates can be changed. Learn more.

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Buying a Car - Road User Charges & Registration

11 years ago

If you are buying a car you are responsible for unpaid Road User Charges (RUC), but the Seller is liable for unpaid License fees Learn more.

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How to Buy a Car With Money Owing?

11 years ago

So, you've found your dream car but there is money owing (registered security). Don't despair, this can be resolved. See our recommendation.

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Buying a Car Online

11 years ago

Here are some tips on how you can safely buy a car without physically seeing it.

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Help! I've bought a car with money owing

11 years ago

We receive a number of calls from people who have bought a car without getting a Vehicle Information Report and subsequently discover there is Money Owing.

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Motorcycle Alley - they love motorcycles!

11 years ago

Motorcycle Alley is fast becoming the preferred online destination for all things that riders need to keep them on the road, dirt, mud, sand or track.

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What is a VIR?

11 years ago

VIR® stands for Vehicle Information Report. The VIR® is an instant online report used by car buyers to check for whether the vehicle has money owing, an inconsistent odometer or is reported stolen?

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Buying a Used Car? Check it's ANCAP Safety Rating

11 years ago

ANCAP stands for the Australasian New Car Assessment Program. ANCAP is Australasia's leading independent vehicle safety advocate. It is supported by the NZ Government.

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Checking to see if a car is stolen

11 years ago

If you are buying a car we strongly recommend getting a Vehicle Information Report (VIR) as it will tell you whether a car is reported stolen, has money owing etc.

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Analysing a Car's Odometer History

11 years ago

As part of our Vehicle Information Report (VIR) [link] we provide a history of odometer readings. These are typically recorded when a vehicle undergoes a WOF or COF inspection. Click Read more.

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Find out how much is owing on a car?

11 years ago

So you've discovered the car you are about to buy has money owing on it and you still want it! We can tell you if there is a registered security (money owing). Learn more.

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Buying a Car? What about their fines?

11 years ago

We receive a lot of calls from people who are worried about any outstanding fines. The good news is you don't have to worry. Learn more.

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Owner statuses & alerts

11 years ago

When buying a car it's a good idea to check who the owner (technically the "registered person") is. In a lot of cases the ownership details are not shown. Here are some common statuses.

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6 Great Reasons to Buy from a Dealer

11 years ago

Many people assume they will save a fortune by buying privately but this isn't necessarily the case. Money aside, buying from dealers gives much greater protection should things go wrong.

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How do I find out who owns a vehicle?

11 years ago

We're often asked if we can tell who owns a vehicle so we thought we'd explain what we can tell you and what we can't.

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How to change car ownership

11 years ago

There are two ways to change ownership of a car: 1. Complete a form and submit to an NZTA agent or post it to the NZTA. 2. Do it online We recommend doing it online because it's quicker and you have less chance of being landed with the other person's fines.

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How to check if a car has money owing?

11 years ago

Lenders typically register a security (effectively gives them first right to the vehicle) against the vehicle on the Government's Personal Property Security Register (PPSR). We check the PPSR to see if there's a security, but that's not all - we check all past plates too!

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Checking past plates for money owing

11 years ago

We often field calls from people who have bought a car with money owing due to not doing a VIR first. Unfortunately there's not much we can do. What we advise is that they contact the finance company (secured party) and inform them of the situation and give them the contact details of the seller.

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Car buyer's checklist

11 years ago

So you are about to buy a car. Buying a car is exciting but also risky, particularly when emotions can cloud your judgement! Here's a quick checklist of the things you should do to avoid buying a lemon.

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How can I check whether a car has been in an accident?

11 years ago

There is no central register for accident damage so we cannot provide information on accident damage. However, if a vehicle is currently written off because of damage (appears as 'deregistered due to a write-off' on the VIR), or has been in the past, we will include this in our VIR report.

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